Activating Meta Quest VR games

    These Meta Quest keys don't need a PC to play them!   They activate on your Meta account and the games download directly to your headset.  No PC Needed.    To redeem these keys please follow one of the methods below:

     Method 1:  (Best Method)


    Redeem on the Meta Website:

    1. Visit

    2. Login with the account you use on your Quest device

      (Once activated to an Meta account the game can't be moved to a different account, please ensure the app is logged into the account that you wish to receive the game)

    3. Enter your 25 digit code (excluding the hypens -'s ) from your order and click the arrow to continue.

      ( Do not copy / paste the code as this will copy the hyphens, this will stop your code being pasted fully.   Instead, retype the code without the hyphens )



    Method 2:
    Redeem on the Meta/Oculus Mobile phone App:   (NOT THE PC META/OCULUS APP)

    1. Open the Meta/Oculus App on your mobile phone and that it's logged in the account you wish to activate the game on.

      (Do NOT attempt this in the PC META/OCULUS APP, use your mobile phone app)

      (Once activated to an Meta account the game can't be moved to a different account, please ensure the app is logged into the account that you wish to receive the game)

    2. Tap the bottom right menu icon, then choose the green Settings button.
    3. Choose "Account Settings" 
    4. Select "Redeem Store Code" and type in your 25 digit code from Fanatical

    5. .The game is now available in your library.


    I get the message 'An unknown error has occurred'

    If you get this error then you are probably using the wrong app or method to activate these keys.   Please check out Method 1 above to redeem the keys. 


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